December 27, 2019

Up early, I sought to not awake my roommates. I loaded things into my car trunk, and took off with my day pack. Waiting at the bus stop, the YARTS bus came by about on time. I didn’t have the exact change for the round trip, so paid the $8 one way fare and would get the $8 change for the return trip in the Valley. This costs the same in two one-way tickets versus a round trip.

The ride was in the dark, so nothing much to record. I spoke with the driver, and they had been testing an electric bus. He glowed with performance details, with more power and acceleration. As it became light, we came to the Valley. I debarked at the Village, where I got drink and a breakfast sandwich. The food here has become expensive and mediocre. Though they do take convenience payments. Taking the free shuttle to the Lower Falls Trail, I did that short hike. I got more coffee at the new Starbucks at the Lodge. They were out of banana nut bread. I took my time, figuring on going to the top of the Upper Yosemite Falls.

It became late in the morning, and I emptied my system. I had my pee bottle and wag bag in my pack, but the trail is busy. Seldom privacy. To Camp Four, I started the hike. Warm enough in my layers, hikers were already coming down. Many were headed up. All younger hikers, I let them by. I had my heavy pack, with camera.

Slow, I figured on just going to Columbia Rock, a good, short destination. I’d been to the top of the falls, a few times already. The falls wasn’t running well, so I’d dispense with that. It had been icy with views from the early morning. There was thunder as the ice melted and fell. Chatting with other hikers, I gave tips on a better view of the Upper Falls from 15 minutes further than the Rock. With a signal, I sent a photo by e-mail. Then I spoke by phone with sister. No video chat was enabled, though.

Resting, it was time to go see the view of the upper fall. I had to use my pee bottle. I got to the view, and took my photos and video. Turning back then, this was a good call. It was a time to relax and enjoy. I liked speaking with other hikers. We were all enjoying the nice sunny conditions, with some in T-shirts.

Back at the Rock, it was to relax and enjoy the view. You can see Mt. Clark. The light wasn’t changing much, so bored, I headed down. I sought to get back to the Lodge and have food or drink, and a better signal for my phone.

Back in good time, I sought to catch the earlier YARTS bus. I had a time in my head, but the stop sign said 4:30. Fearing to miss the bus, I waited. I had tipped a dollar to get change from a twenty. So, cutting in front of some tourist complaining about something. The cashier had thanked me for this.

The bus came by, a bit late, and I got the last seat. To the hostel stop, I walked in the dark, not wishing to pollute. Making it to the dorm, I used the toilet first. Charging my devices, I trusted my Watch with the others. It was to get food, and I had veggie soup, which was a heap in a larger bowl. Then to drink, then self served water. I had my laptop so got information. I had rooms reserved, so there’d be none of this further with the inconvenience of a top bunk, and other people.

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